ok this is kinda weird for me, maybe I must post something really creappy about Valparaiso, comon, you know, homeless murderes, goblins rapers in the mountains, or something like that, 'cause if I most to STUDY the PEOPLE of the place, man THAT'S really sucks, I mean I "DUN'T"care about the people, well maybe yes about the inocents, but how many inocents could be in Valpariso? MMMMMM??? all the city is fucking Drunk, the streets smeal to piss, ARRRRGGGG so sick, btw is funny valparaiso I really like it, ('cause each cubalibre cost only 600 chileans pesos HOHOHOHOHOH) but naaa the city is ok, the people,. I hate people

this just was for test this thing, hope you enjoy, if not, well that's too bad

don't forget to visit my deviantart P= www.technocrater.deviantart.com

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